Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Diabetes Clinical Trial Results From Drinking Alkaline Water

Clinical trials of diabetic patients were run in a Korean hospital and reported by MBC TV in a program called the “Truth about Water of Life”. The patients were divided into two groups, one group continued with their usual insulin protocol while the second group, ceased their insulin injections and instead drank only ionized alkaline water.

Dr Won H. Kim whose background includes a doctorate from Oxford University in biochemistry is a Professor at the Medical School at Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea. In his book “Water of Life” he reports as follows on the above trials: “in less than one month the blood sugar level of the group drinking alkaline water had amazingly decreased in contrast to that of the insulin-injection group. Daily fluctuations in blood sugar continued to occur in the case of the insulin group, while those drinking the alkaline water maintained remarkably stable levels.”

This result is quite extraordinary!

Ordinary tap water can be run through an alkaline water ionizer and produce both short term and long term relief for diabetes sufferers. And this ionized water is rich in negative ions which act as a powerful anti-oxidant to neutralize the hordes of free radicals in our bodies.

Visit http://www.kangenrevolution.com/ for your FREE Alkaline Balance e-Book. You can also request a FREE DVD that will show you how Kangen Water may help restore your body to an Alkaline state.

1 comment:

  1. I drink the original Kangen IE-900 ionized water from Hydroanalytics. This is their site:
    I asked them about this study and they said not to trust it completely.
    The person who did the study you quote recommends a combination of minerals over and above water ionizers and states that they create alkaline reduction potential along with antibacterial properties. Hydroanalytics states that this has to be incorrect because only acid water and not alkaline water has antibacterial properties. Hydroanalytics is a sharp group. They are down to earth and fact-based which is why I went to them to get a high-end Japanese water ionizer.
