Thursday, June 17, 2010

Multiple Sclerosis and Kangen Water

How Kangen Water Helps!
In short, MS is an autoimmune disorder which causes inflammation and healthy cells of the brain and spinal cord to be attacked causing scar tissue (Sclerosis).  Multiple Sclerosis is one of the advanced symptoms of Acidosis. Acidosis is an increased acidity (i.e. an increased hydrogen ion concentration). If not further qualified, it usually refers to acidity of the blood plasma.  Acidosis is said to occur when arterial pH falls below 7.35.
The following is how a HEALTHY immune system responds to an alarm set off in the body:
Inflammation is a manifestation of the immune system’s response to an invading organisms or substances.  These may be viruses, bacteria, fungi, allergens, or, in the case of autoimmune diseases, the bodies own tissue.
When an invading organism (pathogen) is first recognized the immune system launches a response involving a number of different white blood cells (leukocytes) – this is known as an immune cascade.
At the site of the infection, there are a number of physiological changes that take place to assist the destruction of the invaders. These include:
- Increased blood flow to the area to maximize the number of leukocytes that can get to the infection site.
- A thinning of the cells in local blood capillary walls (endothelial cells) to allow the leukocytes to squeeze through.
- An increase in local temperature which has an antibiotic effect.
- A large number of immune system signaling molecules (chemokines) are released by leukocytes to co-ordinate the immune response and to call more leukocytes to the site.
Once the invader has been dealt with, the body terminates the immune response by killing off the leukocytes in the locality. This is done by depriving them of nutrients (necrosis) and by making them commit suicide (apoptosis). There are two ways that apoptosis happens:
  1. By sending cells special cellular messenger molecules (cytokines) to tell them to die.
  2. By not sending them other cytokines that tell them to keep living. A type of leukocyte, a helper T-cell, continues to release this type of cytokine while it continues to detect the presence of the pathogen. Once it can no longer detect it, it stops and other leukocytes die.
In multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases, the inflammatory response seems to be launched in the absence of a pathogen. It seems that certain T-cells are mistakenly recognizing the insulating sheaths around nerves (myelin) as a foreign invader.  It is an auto immune disorder which causes the healthy cells of the brain and spinal cord to become inflamed causing necrosis and/or apoptosis.
According to a tremendous amount of studies and independent research, Kangen Water (ionized, alkaline water) aids to body in reducing its acidity level, decreases inflammatory conditions, and aids the body with auto immune diseases.  The list of conditions that Kangen Water helps with goes on and on… when the body is rid of its toxic, acid waste, alkalized and properly hydrated it is more able to deal with diseases and is given the environment needed to heal.
Doctors agree that acid, in the form of toxic waste, is the underlying causes of every known degenerative disease! Kangen Water rids the body of acid waste and raises the pH of the body.  It does this due to the alkalinity of the water, ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential – the ability to pull acid waste from deep in the cells) and the fact that it is micro-clustered.  In other words, it is reduced water – broken down into very small water clusters allowing the water to penetrate deep into the cells to reach deep internal problems.

Dr. Theodore Baroody, in his book “Alkalize or Die”, offers a list of symptoms that may be precipitated by Acidosis:

Beginning Symptoms:
  1. Acne
  2. Agitation
  3. Muscular pain
  4. Cold hands and feet
  5. Dizziness
  6. Low energy
  7. Joint pains that travel
  8. Food allergies
  9. Chemical sensitivities or odors, gas, heat
  10. Hyperactivity
  11. Panic attacks
  12. Pre-menstrual and menstrual cramping
  13. Pre-menstrual anxiety and depression
  14. Lack of sex drive
  15. Bloating
  16. Heartburn
  17. Diarrhea
  18. Constipation
  19. Hot urine.
  20. Strong smelling urine
  21. Mild headaches
  22. Rapid panting breath
  23. Rapid heartbeat
  24. Irregular heartbeat
  25. White coated tongue
  26. Hard to get up
  27. Excess Head mucus
  28. Metallic taste in mouth

Intermediate Symptoms:
  1. Cold sore (Herpes I & II)
  2. Depression
  3. Loss of memory
  4. Loss of concentration
  5. Migraine headaches
  6. Insomnia
  7. Disturbance in smell, vision, taste
  8. Asthma
  9. Bronchitis
  10. Hay Fever
  11. Ear Aches
  12. Hives
  13. Swelling
  14. Viral infections (cold, flu)
  15. Bacterial Infections (staph, strep)
  16. Fungal infections (candida albicans, athlete’s foot, vaginal)
  17. Impotence
  18. Urethritis
  19. Cystitis
  20. Urinary infection
  21. Gastritis
  22. Colitis
  23. Excessive falling hair
  24. Psoriasis
  25. Endometriosis
  26. Stuttering
  27. Numbness and tingling
  28. Sinusitis

Advanced Symptoms:
  1. Crohn’s disease
  2. Schizophrenia
  3. Learning Disabled
  4. Hodgkin’s Disease
  5. Systemic Lupus Erythematosis
  6. Multiple Sclerosis
  7. Sarcoidosis
  8. Rheumatoid arthritis
  9. Myasthenia Gravis
  10. Scleroderma
  11. Leukemia
  12. Tuberculosis
  13. All other forms of cancer
Main Causes of Sickness, Disease and Premature Aging:
1. Dehydration Our bodies use 2.5 liters of water at normal function in a mild climate. You should be drinking at least 2 liters of water a day. So you see, we are already behind on water intake. The most common signs of dehydration are headaches and fatigue. Our bodies prioritize when water is limited, so areas and organs low on the list just loose out. Water is the only source of hydration. Do not confuse all liquids with the hydrating ability of water. Soda, coffee, tea, and alcohol actually cause you to be more dehydrated. We need to drink more water. We need to drink better water.
2. Free Radicals (Oxidants, Active Oxygen) A free Radical by definition is any unstable atom that has unpaired electrons in its outer shell. An unstable oxygen atom (oxidant) needs 2 more electrons to fill in its outer shell in order to stabilize. Oxygen by itself will seek out these electrons wherever it can, including healthy cells and our DNA. We get free radicals from various sources – the foods we eat, smoking, drinking alcohol and pollution, but the most common is breathing, Every breath brings in 2% free radicals which increases to 20% during cardiovascular activity. Our bodies’ natural anti-oxidizing systems can handle the load at rest, but during times of high stress and fatigue, the free radicals become too much. These radicals are linked to multiple diseases, including cancer and diabetes, and they can accelerate the aging process. Since free radicals are strong oxidants, they are oxidizing or “rusting” our bodies ,like an old car. We must flush these free radicals out, in order to remain healthy and happy.
3. Acidosis Acidosis is an overly acidic state in the body, caused by an acidic diet and lifestyle. Cooked meats, poultry, sugar, pasteurized dairy, coffee, sweeteners, and alcohol are all acidic. Vegetables, fruits, and nuts are all alkaline – the opposite of acidic. There needs to be a balance to combat the acid in our bodies, but this is not happening. All the food we crave is acid forming and over acidification of body fluids is linked to almost EVERY KNOWN DISEASE. Some examples are Diabetes, Heart Diseases, Heartburn, Chronic Fatigue… just to name a few. During Menopause, women can become extremely acidic. Our bodies use calcium and other minerals to buffer this acidity. That calcium loss can lead to osteoperosis. We need balance, We need to fight the acidity.
4. Intestinal Disorders Let’s start with physical facts. Most nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and proteins from our food are absorbed through our intestines. Food only stays in our stomachs for 1 to 3 hours. And then our intestines absorb the nutrients we need for survival. Of all the vital organs in the body, the one that suffers the most abuse from modern dietary habits is the intestinal tract. According to the recent study, we now consume approximately 100 times more pesticides, chemicals, livestock hormones, preservatives and carcinogens than just two generations ago. At this level, our body simply cannot handle that kind of constant toxic attacks by itself. Our intestines were intended by nature to function as smoothly flowing disposal systems, designed to promptly absorb nutrients and flush digestive wastes from the body. Instead, they have become stagnant cesspools. Every tissue is fed by the bloodstream which is supplied by the intestines. When the intestines are dirty, the blood is dirty, and so are the organs and tissues. It is the intestines that must be cared for first before any effective healing can take place. – Dr. Bernard Jensen, Ph. D According to the FDA, the average American carries anywhere between 5 to 22 pounds of compacted fecal matter, as foul toxic waste mucus, stuck in the folds of their colon (large intestine). This toxic mucus not only produces so many free radicals but also prevents our vital nutrients from being absorbed. Nature never intended for us to move toxic substances through our system on a daily basis. Even the US Health and Human Services admitted that 90% of Americans are walking around with clogged colons. Almost ALL disease comes from this toxic cesspool in the colon. It is commonly known among medical circles that your colon is home base for almost every disease in the body. Good Health Starts with Clean Intestines (And Clean Intestines Start with Kangen Water!) This may be demonstrated with the research of Dr. Shinya (world renowned Dr. and inventor of colonoscopy).
Kangen water is the best water available to us, hands down. By drinking Kangen water, you are sweeping the free radicals out of your body because of the incomparably high anti-oxidizing properties. Kangen water has smaller clusters (water molecules) that hydrate you MUCH faster at a cellular level. The alkalinity and ORP (ability of the water to pull acid waste from your cells) of Kangen water helps balance acidosis. All of these factors combined help clean all the stagnant toxic waste out of your colon. Considering over 70% of disease comes from a dehydrated, acidic colon hosting too many free radicals and the fact that your intestines will not function properly without enough water, drinking lots of Kangen water just makes total sense to help you fight these everyday battles. Combining healthy diet, moderate exercise and super-hydrating Kangen Water will be a huge step to restoring balance in your body.
This report is for informational purposes only.  It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.  Its content has not been reviewed by the FDA. 

Visit for your FREE Alkaline Balance e-Book. You can also request a FREE DVD that will show you how Kangen Water may help restore your body to an Alkaline state.

Menopause Relief....The Struggle with Hormones

“Nothing is ever proven in medicine. You just try to look at the evidence and find the best treatment for your patients!¹” And the door opens for alternative remedies.
Women everywhere struggle for years as they traverse the geography of menopause. The natural depletion of estrogen as a woman enters this biological and emotional passage can make her body rage between hot flashes, night sweats, moodiness and clouded thinking. To some it’s pure hell. To others it’s a simple chapter in life. To the men in their lives, its undeniable stress to the relationship and a feeling of helplessness.
As women get frustrated, they visit their gynecologist looking for estrogen supplements to boost their diminishing hormone levels and get their inconvenient introductions to menopause under control. Today there are more choices than the mare’s urine, cancer inducing estrogen pills, called Premarin, of our mother’s and grandmother’s day.
Bioidentical hormones are an alternative solution to pills and patches. Unfortunately, proof doesn’t bear out that “bioidentical hormones are any safer or more effective than traditional treatments.²”
Whether choosing traditional or bioidentical, taking any kind of hormone carries with it a health trade off–comfort and clarity to the mind, body, spirit or the potential of blood clots and endometrial disease that can lead to uterine cancer.
It begs the question, is there another way? In the last four years, countless women have found hydration a critical component that allows for relief of the symptoms of menopause. If you can achieve a greater sense of balance otherwise known as homeostasis for your biological terrain, wouldn’t it be valuable?
Alkaline, micro-clustered ionized water [Kangen Water®] can make a difference. Hydration isn’t a cure, but it goes a long way toward keeping a woman’s body in balance so it can more efficiently flush toxins out of your system. These are toxins that can interfere with homeostasis and thereby aggravate the entry into the complex stage of ‘middle-age’ life. Getting in balance leads to a calm that can take you to a more comfortable and patient you.
¹Dr. Kent Holtorf of the Holtorf Medical Group ( Torrance and Foster City, CA).
²Chris Woolston, “Natural Creams for Hot Flashes?” 
Los Angeles Times, (June 7, 2010), E1 and E4.
Visit for your FREE Alkaline Balance e-Book. You can also request a FREE DVD that will show you how Kangen Water may help restore your body to an Alkaline state.
LouAnn Savage is publisher and editor of The Weekly Healthline, an online health publication. She is lecturer, researcher and marketer for health and fitness programs and product that advance the world toward true health. Follow LouAnn at her corporate website,, on and Facebook.

What do Hyperbaric Chambers, Ionized Water and Redox Signaling Have in Common?

What do Hyperbaric Chambers, Ionized Water and Redox Signaling Have in Common?
By LouAnn Savage

The 21st Century brings with it exciting and new innovations in the field of natural healing. Hyperbaric chambers, ionized water and the scientific discovery of the importance of reactive molecules are all noninvasive, safe and have the ability to work well with other treatments.

None of these discoveries involve drugs. And none are magical cure-alls. In all cases, however, each is extremely, if not extraordinarily, useful to the healing process. The main 'ingredient' across the board is oxygen. It's true that the presence of oxygen can make the difference between health and disease. Too little oxygen can create a reduced biological energy that can lead to conditions as simple as mild tiredness or fatigue to a full blown disease that has the potential of becoming life threatening.

The common characteristic between these three advanced forms of treating or reacting to disease is the ability to introduce elevated levels of healthy oxygen to the body. But why is oxygen important? When we go back to 1931 we find that Dr. Otto Warburg received the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. He declares, "...the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar."¹

It goes without saying that if we as individuals are able to introduce greater supplies of oxygen naturally to our cells and in particular to our defective cells, we can maintain a stronger immune system and keep our cellular structure more resistant to disease.

Through hyperbaric oxygen therapy [HBOT], oxygen is forced into the body's tissues thereby increasing circulation where it has been impaired. The use of normal-pressure oxygen is forced into the red blood cells where disease can be fought at a higher level with a strengthened immune system. The diseases ability to create a loss of oxygen to tissues now becomes thawarted.² A heightened awareness of the internal terrain to protect itself against encroaching disease can be achieved in many, if not most, cases.

Ionized water has been in full use both in private residences and clinical settings in hospitals and doctor's offices throughout Japan for decades. Through an electrolyzed procedure whereby water and electricity are combined, the process results in a restructuring of water into positive (acidic or anion) ions and negative (alkaline or cation) ions. This technique introduces higher oxygen into the alkaline water and is measured in ORPs otherwise known as Oxidation Reduction Potential. As the ORP level, measured by a specially designed meter, goes lower the presence of oxygen increases in the water. An individual drinking ionized alkaline water can improve the oxygenated quality of the interstitial fluids throughout the body that contributes to a strengthening of the immune system when drinking this micro-clustered water.

Reactive molecules bring about the process of redox signaling and redox signaling, among a complex process of communication, tells the body when a battle from oxidative stress has been fought and hopefully won. It is then that rebuilding the cellular structure begins. Redox-induced messengers signal new tissues being formed that they need oxygen and nutrients. Vascular growth is motivated by these messengers. All of which is imperative for the adequate feeding of new tissues. It follows that the healing process then moves forward. The fascinating intricacy of the process is that cells become able to identify when they are in distress and call up the necessary action to get things back on track. We know that stress on the cells leads to imbalance. And imbalance triggers the correct action to bring the cells back to balance. This choreography is essential to life itself.

²Neubauer, M.D., Richard A. and Walker, DPM, Morton, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. New York: Avery Publishing Group, 1998.

Visit for your FREE Alkaline Balance e-Book. You can also request a FREE DVD that will show you how Kangen Water may help restore your body to an Alkaline state.

Visit to learn more about Reactive Molecules and Redox Signaling.  You can also sign up for our newsletter and order Asea directly from the website.

LouAnn Savage is publisher and editor of The Weekly Healthline, an online health publication. She is lecturer, researcher and marketer for health and fitness programs and product that advance the world toward true health. Follow LouAnn at her corporate website,, on and and Facebook. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Internal Body Balance and Kangen Water

The category is balance, the subject is water. OK water is H2O, so what’s the big deal. Water happens to make up 75% of our body composition. The brain is 82% water so any concerns about health, food, supplements etc has to begin with water. Get the water right and you’re half way home.
What does it mean to “get the water right” . A little known event occurred in the 1920’s by a research physician named Dr. Otto Warburg. Dr. Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1931. What did the good doctor discover. He found out that cancer cells can not live in an alkaline environment. Terrific – problem solved. Now what has happened in the past 80 years. We are the most overfed and under nourished people on the planet. Our acid foods and drinks make us woefully out of balance on the inside. Balance starts with pH. The scale runs from 1-14 with 7.0 being neutral. You can check your body pH by purchasing litmus paper from your health food store. To get a good reading the test should be done in the morning just after waking up. Put saliva in a spoon and soak the litmus paper in the saliva and then compare it to the chart included with the litmus paper package. More than likely the test will show an acid condition. Acidity is the root cause of almost all medical conditions.

So how do you get your body alkaline? Good question. You can go all vegetarian but even that route has its problems. The most practical way is to drink Kangen Water. Why Kangen water? Kangen water is produced via an electrolysis process that produces flitered water that is also alkaline. Since the body is 75% water it isn’t long before the predominant pH of the body shifts to alkaline saving you countless medical problems. One thing we want to make clear. The body heals itself. What the water does is provide the environment for this self healing to take place. It’s a wonderful machine, the body, but you can’t pollute it all your life and expect it to function effectively. But Kangen water does more than just shift the alkalinity of water. It:

*** Filters
*** Alkalizes
*** Anti Oxidizes
*** Ionizes
*** Hydrates
*** Detoxifies
*** Restructures
*** Micro Clusters

Visit for your FREE Alkaline Balance e-Book. You can also request a FREE DVD that will show you how Kangen Water may help restore your body to an Alkaline state.

Not All Waters are Created Equal

Two basic factors need to be addressed in this post.

1. Why alkalized water?
2. Not all waters are the same.

Let’s start with question #1. In 1931 Doctor Warburg was awarded the Nobel Price for medicine for his work in the discovery that cancer cells can not live in an alkaline environment. This amazing discovery is the core of the ionized water effort to offset the negative effects of our horrible diet, including the drinking of sodas. The education process for the general public on the need to alkalize is, and will continue to be, an awesome task as Madison Avenue, government, and big business are all against the free dissemination of this information.

Getting the body alkalized, however, is easier said then done. Almost all the foods we eat and the liquids that we drink are acid. Even most of the bottled water on the market today, when tested, turns out to be acidic. So it cannot be over emphasized that acidosis is the culprit and that alkalizing the body will offset the acidosis condition. Since the body is 75% water the obvious place to start is with the water by drinking highly alkaline, restructure ionized water.

Not all Waters are the Same
Advertising and disinformation have put the mainstream population at a disadvantage when trying to assess the benefits of ionized water. The undisputed leader in the industry is Japan where Enagic has been producing ionizer machines for over 35 years. [ By the way the Japanese have the longest life span of any country in a study published by the United Nations ]. Many “Johnnie come lately” companies make outrageous claims regarding their machines, but the facts suggest that Kangen Water machines are, by far, the best.
Bottled water is not only acidic in most cases, but the bottled water industry does not have to disclose its water source. Tap water is constantly being called “safe” by the government, but serious questions have arisen to suggest that tap water is marginal at best.
Alkaline restructured ionized water is now, after 80 years of being marginalized, beginning to come into its own. Pioneered by the Japanese for the past 35 years, Kangen Water has proven itself to be effective in providing the internal environment for the body to heal itself. The body is an amazing machine and given the right environment will heal itself of most abnormalities.
The problem is that most of us are ticking time bombs because we eat and drink acid and by the time we reach the age of 50 and begin to suffer disease, we wonder why.

Visit for your FREE Alkaline Balance e-Book. You can also request a FREE DVD that will show you how Kangen Water may help restore your body to an Alkaline state.

Enagic SD501 Alkaline Water Ionizer Review

Kangen water is the delicious, yet healthy water created from Enagic's progressive water technology. Not only do these amazing devices filter harmful chemicals out of tap water, but through the process of ionization produces Kangen and acidic type waters. These waters can be used for various purposes which include drinking, cooking, beauty, and cleaning. *Kangen means return to origin. *** LeveLuk SD501 is Enagic´s top of the line model. It boasts 7 ionizing chambers, producing water with a higher Negative ORP and is fully automatic. It is larger than the DX and DXII units, yet still very compact. Because of the increased Negative ORP, this unit is especially helpful for individuals who have chronic or serious health issues.

This is a very good, high quality machine and especially good for locations (like clinics or doctor's offices) that need a high flow rate from the machine.

Visit for your FREE Alkaline Balance e-Book. You can also request a FREE DVD that will show you how Kangen Water may help restore your body to an Alkaline state.

Diabetes Clinical Trial Results From Drinking Alkaline Water

Clinical trials of diabetic patients were run in a Korean hospital and reported by MBC TV in a program called the “Truth about Water of Life”. The patients were divided into two groups, one group continued with their usual insulin protocol while the second group, ceased their insulin injections and instead drank only ionized alkaline water.

Dr Won H. Kim whose background includes a doctorate from Oxford University in biochemistry is a Professor at the Medical School at Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea. In his book “Water of Life” he reports as follows on the above trials: “in less than one month the blood sugar level of the group drinking alkaline water had amazingly decreased in contrast to that of the insulin-injection group. Daily fluctuations in blood sugar continued to occur in the case of the insulin group, while those drinking the alkaline water maintained remarkably stable levels.”

This result is quite extraordinary!

Ordinary tap water can be run through an alkaline water ionizer and produce both short term and long term relief for diabetes sufferers. And this ionized water is rich in negative ions which act as a powerful anti-oxidant to neutralize the hordes of free radicals in our bodies.

Visit for your FREE Alkaline Balance e-Book. You can also request a FREE DVD that will show you how Kangen Water may help restore your body to an Alkaline state.